NGAExperience® Nihon Goshin Aikido

Spread the Wealth ~ Share Your Wisdom

Every Aikidoka eventually becomes a specialist.  Attending seminars allows us to all learn from research in your speciality.  

If you have a seminar, please contact us here and let us know the following information!

  1. The Date
  2. The Times
  3. The Location
  4. The Instructor(s)
  5. The Topic (Ukemi, Randori, Uras, etc.)
  6. Limitations to rank (eg:  Advanced Belts Only)
  7. Limitations to style (eg:  “All Aikido Styles Welcome!” ~ as the growth of our brand is of utmost priority, this is our preference).  To assist you in your marketing, we will also post the listing here, and on
  8. The Cost per Student
  9. Hotel Arrangements (eg:  “A special Rate has been negotiated at the Marriott Hotel.  Coupon Code is “Goshin” to receive at  10% discount”).
Let’s Meet the Mat Together Soon!

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Training Weapons

Parallel Aikido History

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Ukemi Central

The Soft Ukemi Revolution

Real Fight Breakdowns

2014 - 2021

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